Sunday, March 16, 2008

First Week

No one likes a lazy blogger. 

Despite my wealth of free time, I've been lax in updating.  This is mostly because I don't know what I feel just yet.  I haven't seen my permanent apartment nor have I met any of the people at my branch although I've spoken to most of them via e-mail and they seem like a pretty cool bunch.   

I've decided to stick to the facts, of which I can be fairly certain.  

Week in Review:


Landed in Daegu @8:40pm.  Was met at the airport by a member of the MK Korean support staff.  He drove me to my temporary flat and made sure I was all set up for training on Monday.  There was food and drink in my fridge, but just in case (and to hold me over for the week) I brought beef jerky and energy bars.  Mordant laughed at me, but seriously, they were a life saver.  


New teacher training w. the teaching manager and another new teacher. 

They ordered us pizza and soda for lunch.  Easing into the local cuisine gradually.  


E2 Health check up at the hospital.  The waiting room had a large, colorful poster detailing the importance of a regular colonoscopy, featuring an assortment of polyps and bleeding lesions.  I call that "scared straight".  

They checked ears, eyes, weight, height, randomly, measured my chest.  I went with the other new foreign teacher and they had us both disrobe from the waist up.  She went into the room first and I saw her standing arms around a giant machine.  My first thought, after the colonoscopy poster, was .... Mammogram!?!?  wth? I was busy gettin' all riled up when she walked out and said something to the effect of  ... "Gotta love the chest Xray."

Ah.  Chest Xray.  Of course.  


Observed more classes at branch #3


Had the "day off".


Was called to fill in branch #3.  My first full day of teaching solo.  It was six story telling classes, so it required fairly light prep.  This is what I was hired to do.  I love being in the classroom.

Was invited to go out w. the other foreign teachers, but I declined in favor of an early night.  

Yeah.  I'm that exciting. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you made it safely to Korea and seem to be settling in alright! Hope this next week is a good one!